Thursday, February 12, 2009

"What a Bunch of Fools We Lovers Are..."

- Kara Wenthe

It’s February, a month occupied with lovers exchanging candy hearts, cupids’ arrows, chocolates, homemade doily-cards, condoms, etc. Fools, I say. Consumer whores who still don’t know what love means. I promise I’m not speaking from bitterness, here. I honestly believe the holiday to be a capitalist invention to boost the economy, and I know I am not alone in that belief.

But what is there to do on the day following the fourteenth, built-up and disappointing, unfulfilling day of cliché romance, St. Valentine’s day? Regret? Remorse?

Look beyond the splendour of pink and red décor to find hope in the heartache. Lonelies, singles, recently released, or still hitched: La Dispute is coming. Myspace description: Blues/Soul group from Grand Rapids, Michigan will be stopping by Greenville the Sunday after Valentine’s Day. Their lyrics: epic. Their beats: beautiful.

Jordan, Brad, Chad, Kevin, and Adam will be performing for fools and lovers in the basement of St. Paul’s alongside Nate Henricks & the Lost Boys, Anchors and Greenville’s own Dressed to Kill. Bring yourself, your new girlfriend, your box of chocolates, and five dollars to St. Paul’s at 6pm Sunday, February 15th. Oh, and Happy St. Valentine’s day!

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